Launched during the 2011-2012 academic year, this four-year honors program has welcomed impressive Muse Scholars who have played Carnegie Hall, acted in Off-Broadway plays, won busking positions in the New York transit system, earned creative-writing awards, and played baseball for the East Coast Yankees, among other accomplishments.
The Muse Scholar Program is one of several four-year scholarship programs at Hunter College for incoming freshmen who demonstrate high academic achievement and potential. Specifically aimed at artistically talented and academically strong students, the Muse Scholar Program helps undergraduates take advantage of Hunter’s exceptional arts programs, faculty and resources.
In addition to financial support, these programs create a supportive learning community among the scholars and provide students with unique academic experiences and extracurricular opportunities that help them get the most out of their college years.
Applicants to the Muse Program should demonstrate significant interest and/or achievement in one or more of the following arts disciplines: visual arts (studio arts and/or art history), music, dance, theatre, film & media and creative writing. Muse Scholars explore and engage in the arts through several specially designed, shared courses during their freshman and sophomore years and events that take advantage of New York’s rich cultural offerings.
Current Muse Scholars receive a merit-based scholarship, preferred access to residential housing and housing aid, and priority registration for classes. Muse Scholars also have a dedicated faculty mentor and academic advisors to help them succeed at Hunter, including guidance on internships and other opportunities.
Learn how to be considered for the Muse Scholar Program.